Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Well guess what...?!

A lot of you already know, but I thought I'd do the traditional blog post saying, I'm pregnant! I'm twelve weeks along and due on January 24th. We got to listen to the heart beat yesterday and that was fun! The doctor would find the heart beat and then she'd loose it and have to find it again. She said the baby was swimming around! I thought that was cute!
I've been doing good! For a little while I was feeling sick on-and-off throughout the day. Going into New York everyday didn't really help. I would feel sick on the bus and every ethnic food stand I would walk by would make me feel like I wanted to throw up. But I've been feeling pretty good the last couple of weeks. So that's good! I've also tried to still work out everyday. I'm planning on still teaching aerobics in the fall, so I have to at least try to stay in shape!
So we're doing good and we're very excited!


  1. Congrats!! Kids are so much fun!! :)

  2. Shut up! I'm so excited for you guys to get back! Congrats, our babies won't be that far away from each other. You will be a super cute prego girl. I can't believe how dedicated you are to exercising, that's way good, you will have an easy pregnancy. When you get really pregnant I have some pregnant work outs that will kick anyone butt! you are welcome to borrow them anytime you want! I'm so happy for you guys!

  3. Yay!!! Congrats Britt, I'm so excited for you two! We were just on a walk the other day and your mom saw us and stopped to talk. She's such a sweet lady. Did she know then??? She seemed really happy. Good luck Girl!

  4. Yay a baby! You guys will be the most adorable parents! Congrats, and good luck with the morning sickness and stuff! :)

  5. holy crap britt! tiff text me this morning to tell me and i was all no way! that is so great i am so happy for you guys! you will be the cutest little mommy! can't wait for you guys to come back!

  6. Oh my heck!!! I am SOOOOO excited for you guys!! You're going to be the cutest parents and your baby will be BEAUTIFUL!!! When do you find out what you are having!? Can't wait to see you guys in the fall!! Ha ha, we miss our 24 nights!

  7. Congrats!!! That is so exciting! It will be so much fun to have kids that are not that far apart! We will have to have fun little play groups with Tiff and the other girls in the ward!

  8. Whoot whoot! :) I'm so excited for you guys and you will be a GREAT little mommy! Can't wait to find out what it is! :)

  9. Can I just say... I KNEW IT!!! I've been telling Bryan since the end of May, "I want to call Britt and ask her if shes pregnant." lol :) He kept telling me... "Helga, you can't just call someone and ask them that!" lol haha I LOVE IT!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Please let us know what we can do to help! I'm glad you've been feeling well!! That is so exciting!

  10. Congrats you two!!! I'm so excited to see your cute belly when you move back :)

  11. hello...i'm a blog stalker...what do you do about it!?!? ha ha ha congrats on the babe, so exciting. I saw your comment on julie's blog so i jumped right over to your blog! don't worry, we were surprised, too...we had only been married 2 months! so i completely understand the stress...and no we didn't have insurance love to chat about it all if you want ;) let me know if you want to...we're excited for you guys to be back next month

  12. Hey Britt I just found your blog (hope you don't mind...) and had to leave a comment too: Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you guys. I am sure it must be stressful to know that your finances are not very good at this point but the Lord's timetable is perfect so you will have to trust Him :) I really look forward to see you back in the ward too. Good luck with everything! and let us know if we can help you in any ways :)

  13. Hi, you don't know me, I just saw your comment on my sister's blog (julie and lance) and wanted to offer a little comfort. We are due with #2, and hubby JUST graduated, but job doesn't start until November! We were strapped, but luckily I had some friends that made some great suggestions. I don't love relying on the government, but they have great programs to help people like us who only need help for a little while and will end up paying back into the system once we move on from school. #1: apply for medicaid (they pay for everything, no copays!) #2: WIC and food stamps. The food stamps are like a debit card, so nobody even knows when you go shopping. #3: look into housing subsidy where you live. Most cities have a program to help supplement your rent. Just check out your local DWS office, they'll help you get started and apply for everything. Hope that helps! :)

  14. BRITT! Oh my word, congrats! That is so great and so exciting! I was slightly suspecting that when you were asking me all those "pregnant" questions! How fun for the two of you! Yay!
