Spencer had Saturday and Monday off for the holiday so we decided to go visit Spencer's sister and her family down in Price. They live near lots of fun places like Goblin Valley, Moab, and the San Rafel Swell. So we figured we'd go visit while the weather was still nice enough to enjoy that kind of stuff. Above is a pic of Spence and Scarlette and our 2 nieces Blythe and Ada.

Here we are in front of some petroglyphs in the side of the mountain. Our camera is horrible but I think you can still see them back there :)

Once again, out horrible camera did not capture this very well. It's a real dinosaur footprint!

Here we are standing in front of Little Grand Canyon. It was way cool but we were a little nervous standing out on this cliff with our nieces and nephews running around. Thank goodness Scarlette isn't mobile yet!