Alrighty, here's a little update. I have been a horrible blogger since we haven't had the internet. But we are doing good! Spencer graduates this Saturday if her passes his managerial economics final on Tuesday. We signed all the papers to finalize our purchase of a condo on Thursday. So this week we'll be ripping out old carpet, installing recess lighting, installing new carpet and moving all our stuff in!
I'll let ya know how it all goes! Here are some pics of us lately....
Spencer loves playing with Scarlette! This picture looks like she doesn't know if she feels the same...

Here is Scarlette playing in the Bumbo. She's getting so strong!

Here I am in all my Sweat shirt glory, but I thought it was a cute pic of the 2 of us. I don't get many pics of us cuz I'm usually behind the camera.

Scarlette loves bathtime too and she loves to get snuggled up in her towel after!

This is probably my favorite picture of her!